Private Forum



General Rules
RULE 1: You respect all clan members!

RULE2: You may NOT be in any other clan but _Ancient

RULE 3: If you are in _Ancient you must have the tag _Ancient in front of your name.

RULE4: Do not cheat in any games! ! !

RULE 5: Fight until you are positive you are beaten, do not leave cause of a bad start.

RULE 6: Do not taunt other clans unless in defense of _Ancient or yourself.

RULE 7: No players may be in a rookie or intermediate games with the _Ancient tag on. If your caught you will be taken out of _Ancient

RULE 8: Votes may only come from the High Council and Advisors. Five of the 6 votes must be acquired for entry.

RULE 9: If there is an argument please bring it to the attention of the High Council so it may be solved

RULE 10: If you will be gone for longer than a week the clan must be notified by the message board.

RULE 11: Follow the rules of the Internet Gaming Zone

RULE 12: Play for fun, if your not then why be here?


High Council Rules
1. The High Council will always consist of THREE members. .

2. High Council takes votes on all issues concerning the clan. Majority rules the vote, three votes will be needed to pass or fail an issue. No High Council members vote is more important than anothers.

3. Each High Council will be assigned a job they are comfortable with and are required to fulfill the job to the best of their abilities.

4. Enlisted rankings are decided by the High Council. Nobody will be demoted unless they commited and offense.

5. High Council will meet every TWO weeks to discuss the matters of _Ancient


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